Women Of Restoration and Balance

This Page In Progress. More Names Will Be Added Soon, but a page like this can only be a small sampling of the profound efforts of caring and courageous women for parity in decisionmaking government,  eco nomic paradigms, and faith, to make this Planet more Loving, Livable, and full of Light for every Child of the Universe on our Earth, female and male. This is the Will of the MotherFatherGoddessGod who has Divinely Endowed All People to Democracy and Sustainability, if we will heed this Simple and Ultimate Message for Humanity. We are sure that all these women support the New Millenniall Rule https://5050now.wordpress.com/newmillenniallgoldenrule-the-5-pillars-of-change/, and although some may be too modest to think of themselves as such, as examples of women who are and are becoming CoMessiah. There is no hierarchy to this list. Envision these women in a Sacred Circle, and put Yourself and women you Know and Love among them. These women are among the too often unrecognized First but Not Last or Only Saviors of the World.

bell hooks i.e. Gloria Jean Watkins bellhookshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_hooks  has written some of the most cogent and moving words about the dangers of patriarchy, racism and economic exploitation culture, and the necessity for a resurrection of the Female and Feminine Wisdom ever written, in numerous books and many presentations and speeches before women and men  of all hues. She has taken her nomme de plume, from her maternal great grandmother, revealing the knowledge of deep systems intergenerational connection and partial reincarnation that is the human ascent. Like the main authoress of this website, she was born on September 25, the day that astronomist Carl Sagan, first husband of Gaia Effect theoriest Lynn Margulis,  described as the beginning of Life on Earth on a Cosmic Calendar. Those who understand that Patriarchy is the greatest threat to Life on Earth, while reparative balance can renew and preserve it for connection to the Universe, have sacred birthdays everyday.

Sylviane Agacinksisylvianeagacinski is the Author of the Groundbreaking book Parite of the Sexes http://books.google.com/books/about/Parity_of_the_Sexes.html?id=sSU_C3WUxR0C, which paved the way for her husband, Prime Minister Lionel Jospin, to bring gender parite http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sylviane_Agacinski#Parit.C3.A9_amendment to France. Today, every city in France, including Paris, the City of Love, and those where Mary Magdalen and possibly Jesus may have lived, have city councils that have gender parite, and the political party of Jospin and Agacinksi have gender 5050 and full representation of minorities on tickets. A gift from France, the Statue of Liberty which greeted millions of immigrants who came to North America from every region of our world, reminds us that we in North America have been missing the boat on gender cooperation, and forgetting what the French knew and know, that the Lady Represents the Goddess Aspect of the One Goddess~God Process of the balance of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine.

soniagandhiThe leader of the largest political party of India, global citizen Sonia Gandhi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonia_Gandhi worked with her husband Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi of India, to institute the Panchayat Raj in India, the model for our first Pillar of the New Millenniall Golden Rule. Between 1998 and the present, Sonia Gandhi has lead numerous sit-ins the the Lok Sabha, India’s Congress, to gain a Reservation for Women, starting at 33% but now for 50%. Her efforts have been stymied but not stopped by the Old Patriarchal Guard. To any thinking person, Sonia Gandhi is far more the Prime Minister of both an India and Italy (her Earth region of origin), and all the world if it is to be sustainable, than yet another old man by himself, and even more importantly, she is joined in corule by the women and men of the Panchayat Raj who have obtained the gender balance and representation of minorities without money in the ellection, one of the key pillars of the New Millenniall Golden Rule, or Golden Raj, that is Being Delivered to the World By this Website. In ancient times, her land of origin, as her land of marriage, respected and worshipped the Feminine Aspect of Divinity.

rianeeislerRiane Eisler http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riane_Eisler wrote the epochal book Chalice and the Blade in 1987, about the importance of egalitarian representation to peace and sustainability, Her mission website, the Partnership Way http://www.partnershipway.org/, features this and more recent books, a program for gender parity in education, and more recent books such as the Partnership Way and the Real Wealth of Nations. A Holocost survivor, she has the deepest wish to see humanity avoid the suffering and Genocide which, in this generation, would become ecological and war Humanocide and Planetocide, if we do not heed this wisdom NOW.


Jean Shinoda Bolen http://www.jeanshinodabolen.com/ is a psychotherapist in the mode of Emma and Carl Jung’s influential understanding of archetypes. jeanshinodabolen She has worked ceaselessly to bring about a World Conference for Women on Women’s Full Representation, turning to the UN, but also to women themselves to simply empower themselves via gathering in Circles, influencing our work on the New Millenniall Golden Rule https://5050now.wordpress.com/the-5-pillars-of-change/, and she has popularized the essentiall understanding that all people have Divinely Endowed potential in her books http://www.jeanshinodabolen.com/books/index.html  the Goddesses Within Everywoman and the Goddesses Within Everyman, and has understood how our attitudes toward women and the Eternal Feminine are impacting our tendencies to war and the destruction of the environment, in her many books including Urgent Message From Mother: Gather the Women, Save the World. We Regard Jean Shinoda Bolen as having been a CoSecretary Generall for many years now, and Presently, Retroactively and Proactively Call Upon Her to wait for no man or organization to colead our Earth at the Highest Level of Understanding, Caring, and Representation. She is a living embodiment of the Japanese Goddess, Amaterasu.





Bella Abzug, bellabzughttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bella_Abzug whose name actually means the beautiful pulling up, was not afraid to speak her mind and heart, and was a woman of great  daring. From New York, she understood that women need to be heard as well as seen., and she was often seen wearing hats, like those my own grandmother and mother made, which we now call Hat-Crowns. She was one of the pioneers who entered Congress in the 1970’s, but unlike some of the women who made that step, she refused tokenization and cooptation of her gender. In the nineties, she developed the 5050 Get the Balance Right Campaign of the Women’s Economic Development Organization, WEDO http://www.wedo.org/category/themes/previous-initiatives/5050-campaign, and her and WEDO staff, particularly Doris Mpoumou, gained the support of hundreds of organizations worldwide to attain that goal. bellaabzugoncoverofmsWe are here on this Website to complete that goal and connect it to the deepest understanding that that very change is the only change that can Save Our World from the self-destructive paradigm that patriarchy is. Ms. Magazine pictured Bella as a Female Santa. Claus. We  have Come, CoMessiahs, first female and then male, too, to have her goal moving quickly into reality by Christmas.

Geraldine Ferrarogeraldineferraro http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geraldine_Ferraro was the first woman to seriously challenge the glass ceiling of the global superpower. She was runningmate of Walter Mondale, in 1984. We are absolutely sure if this ticket had been elected, the US culture would have become as quickly egalitarian as Norway, the country of Mondale’s Heritage, and brought this model to the world long before 2000. The American public’s obsession with Father Figures brought the US Reagan and George Bush Sr, instead, the beginnings of the extreme wealth divide, the imbalance now known as the  99% and the 1%. We cannot afford to wait til 2020 for hindsight for this colossal mistake, which will only destroy 100% of Humanity and Earth, instead of teach all the Infinite Wealth that is GoddessGod’s endowment for all 100%,

Marilyn WaringMarilynWaring  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marilyn_Waring, who became the youngest Legislator in New Zealand at age 22, and later a Member of the Federal Bank of New Zealand, (which has been ahead of much of the world on gender and minority representation and now is moving to 5050) also wrote the most influential book of Eco-Nomics, Counting for Nothing http://marilynwaring.com/html/books.html, in 1988, about the failure to include women’s unpaid work and all the values we really value, in our economic paradigm and  accounting of wealth. Her profoundly visionary work gave rise to many betters models, culminating in the Genuine Progress Indicator, which is one of the pillars of our New Millenniall Golder Rule.

Rut Birgitta Dahl http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birgitta_Dahl rutbirgittadahl personifies an example without which this list of the inspirational would be very incomplete: the Swedish woman. The Swedes achieved 33% women in their Legislature in the 1980’s, and began to offer paid family leave in 1955 http://ftp.iza.org/dp2014.pdf   ! Today, the Swedish legislature is more or less at parity, with 47% women achieved through the zipper tickets of one woman candidate and one man candidate, in complete balance. Dahl was Speaker of this legislature, unlike our so called Speaker Pelosi, who is a token who deludes naive women (and herself?) into thinking the US has made progress. In fact,the US ranks 94th in the world for representation of women, if ties are counted, the underlying reason why our Congre$$ has become the enemy of its own people, with an approval rate of less than 15%, and is clearly functioning without the consent of the governed.

Christina Schroeder http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristina_Schr%C3%B6der is the Minister of Children and Family Affairs in Germany which offer 3 years paid family leave. She became world reknowned fochristinashroederr her wise criticism of Marissa Myer, a poster child for the strange and unbalanced conceptualization of feminism in the US, that puts its version of feminism at odds with women and babies everywhere. Only 3 starving third world countries and the US do not have paid family leave, and many European countries have followed Germany’s  model and offer at least 2 years. Germany of course has a female Chancellor, Angela Merkel, her name a clue to the possiblity of a world of where the angels of human nature create miracles, such as the move toward solar energy in Germany.

Rose Mukantabana

Rose Mukantabana http://www.inclusivesecurity.org/network-bio/rose-mukantabana/ is speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of Rwanda, the first legislature in the world to exceed 50% for women, and provide a necessary period of restoration and adjustment that will make 5050 sustainable for this part of the world, which suffered an enormous death toll in a civil war that exemplified the fraticide that is an inevitable consequence of patriarchal culture.  The Rwandans suffered genocide at their own hands, and learned the lesson. The question is, will the Earth as a whole learn the lesson in time to Prevent Patriarchal Planetocide

Esther Herzog estherherzog is the Founder of both the Shin Equal Representation Party of Israel, which brings together women and men who are pushing for 5050 Gender Parity and a culture and government of Peace http://www.w-p.co.il/article_page.asp?id=62&scid=31, and  the Women’s Parliament http://www.w-p.co.il/article_page.asp?id=354&scid=51, which brings Christian, Jewish and Moslem women together to discuss, and pass  model, laws. and embody a true peace government, to protect women, children and human rights in Israel, as a model not only for the entire Middle East region, but the whole world. Esther is a Holocost survivor who is a Professor of Anthropology, and it is not a coincidence that her name repeats that of the Biblical Esther, who was promised 5050 by Xerxes, and her name combines Her, the pronoun of both the Goddess aspect of the One and the pronoun reference to all females, and  Herz (heart) with zog (to pull up). The root of Esther is the root of Easter, and means “of the stars” in many ancient languages, and is also a reference to estrogen, the hormone of compassion and nurturing, a gift of the Universe itself.

Marie Wilson mariewilson, or as we prefer to call her Marie Willdaughter (as the Scandinavians often use dottir), is famed for her advocacy of women’s representation, which she spearheaded via the organization she founded, the WhiteHouse Project https://web.archive.org/web/20050601074939/http://www.thewhitehouseproject.org/. Throughout the nineties, this group educated millions of women. However, in the past year or so, Marie was labelled “emeritus”, the organization suddenly had many corporate sponsors, and then mysteriously disappeared. This must be a wake-up call to women who indulge in the thought that 5050 will happen without the strongest call for it, as the most important step to Save Our Planet NOW. We regard Marie as the legitimate occupant of the White House, and call her the true CoPresident.

Raylene Dionraylendion was one of the founders of Canada’s Flagship organization for women’s equal representation Equal Voice https://web.archive.org/web/20130821191520/http://equalvoice.ca/index.cfm. For a long time, Canada has been the least hostile to women of North American regions: it had a woman Prime Minister, Kim Campbell; unlike the US it has provided at least a year paid family leave, and universal health care, which most women especially want.  But the recent dissolution of Equal Voice, also after a period of corporate contribution, and also apparently under the pressure of dealing with new regulations instituted by the Conservative Government with its alpha male regressive culture titleholder Stephen Harper, (who has also promoted the world feared Keystone Pipeline Tar Sands Project, just as the icemelt of Canada’s glaciers has been accelerating faster than anyone thought possible), should make it clear to everyone that all the members and other women, and men of vision, helped by Equal Voice, must coalesce their voices NOW, not simply or only as organizations, but as familycommuunityes of the wise,  a Tide of Good Tidings for our Earth, instead of floods, droughts and Planetocide.


Elizabeth May http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_May is the CoLeader of the Green Party Shadow Cabinet of Canada http://www.greenparty.ca/contact/cabinet. Unlike its US counterpart which is shamefully  51 men and only 21 women actually flauntingly disregarding the global Green Principle of equality of gender and feminism lightforgreenshadowcabinetus.wordpress.com, the Canadian Shadow Cabinet is about balanced by gender, with a slight preponderance of females.  Why US Green party titular leaders Jill Stein and Cherri Honkala are ignoring this balance is a cause for concern that in the backwards US, even this thought to be progressive and Earth protective group, is either unwittingly sexist (and yes even progressive women can be sexist without realizing it, too) or coopted to some extent. Most Green Parties worldwide are gender balanced.

Swanee Hunt http://www.swaneehunt.com/bio.htmswaneehunt has been advocating for full 5050 balance of gender, parity, for over a decade. A former US ambassador to Austria, At Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, Hunt is the Eleanor Roosevelt Lecturer in Public Policy.she has written extensively on the benefits of gender parity, and convened many national/regional and international/global gatherings to galvanize this. Recently she developed an organization with parity in its name, Political Parity, but she has to be careful her zeal and this organization is not co-opted by delaying women, many Republican and some Democrat, who seem all too comfortable with token representation for women for too long. The world cannot wait for Parity, in this region, and everywhere. It needs reparative 5050 NOW. Waiting until 2020 to achieve 5050 is a guarantee that the Earth may be so environmentally compromised by 2020, that women have nothing left to colead except disastrous catatstrophes on the way to complete Planetocide. We regard Swanee as more than Ambassador or Lecturer. She allready holds HIghest Title, far above that of any man or token woman in office right now.

Winona Laduke http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winona_LaDuke, who ran for Vice President with Ralph Nader for the Green Party in the Millenniall year, in our words t-Winona_duke_dream_rebornhen, was never number 2, as she sometimes called herself. Half Native American and Half Jewish by birth, she brings together an Earth Centered and Messianic tradition. Her, book The Last Standing Woman , recognizes the tremendous assault on their culture and even personhood that Native American women have endured in North America. She also works with others who are not only Native, but of joint Native and European recent geneallogical Heritage, a culture uniter. We prefer to call her LaDuchess, understanding that Everywoman is a Duchess of shared citizenship within our New Millenniall Golden Rule.

Cynthia McKinneycynthiamckinney http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cynthia_McKinney ran for President for the Green Party, and has been an outspoken and irrepressible voice for the empowerment of people of color as well as women. This intersectional nature of necessary change is important for the consciousness and conscience of a culture that has many sins in this area, that need to to apologized for and repaired.


Patricia La Marche http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pat_LaMarche also ran as a Vice Presidential candidate for the Green Party,  She has devoted a great deal of time to assisting abused and homeless women, and knows that empowerment and the great push for change often comes from the bottom, as much as the middle, and need not come from the “top” of an existing hierarchy  to succeed. Her name, the French La Marche, reminds us of the many marches for equality women have marched, that March is the titular Women’s History Month, and is the season of the mythic end of old Man Winter,  with the return of the Spring, symbolized by a Goddess in almost every Earth Culture.


Iwanka Kultschyckyj is the Leading Light of the Occupy Movement. She passionately encouraged the writing of the Universzall Declarations for Gender Parity http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/23772401/highlight/275250#utm_campaign=www.womenoccupy.org&utm_source=275250&utm_medium=social as a human right, that benefits women, children and men, that are referenced on this website, as the true and best voice of the Occupy Movement, and Declared this, in a moving reading of one of the Declarations (there were actually four, as befits a change of not hundreds but thousands of years), at the Occupy National Convention in Philadelphia, which in Greek means City of Sisterly and Brotherly Love, in 2012, where gender parity was enthusiastically endorsed by hundreds of people, much more than the Declaration of Independence on first hearing. She is a Polish American Princess Goddess with the wisdom of Solidarnoz and more, that wants every woman to colead with everyman, and Occupy the Planet with Love and Life.

Sharon Riege Maynard, sharonriegiemaynarda Mother of 9 grown children, is a profound WorldSaver, especially working on behalf of women, At the beginning of Spring in March 2012, she organized an All Women’s Grassroots Congress http://sriegie.wix.com/weavingtheworldmedia#!womens-congress/cr7a in Seattle Washington, which the ennumerated the Values that define the Paradigm Change needed to save our world, acting upon the words of Julie Ward Howe’s Mother’s Day Declaration that she herself passionately spoke. Upon learning of our work, she immediately endorsed Gender Parity as a necessity, and participated in our July WorldWide Women’s Congress on what happened to be the Saints Day for Mary Magdalen, July 22nd. Her name, Riege, is pronounced Raji, as in the Panchayat Raj. And She lives up to her name Sharon, in diligently sharing what women are doing with each other, and encouraging networking among women in “Weaving the World” with Living Love for New Possibility and Growth Every Day.

Carol Brouilletcarolbroillet  ran for Congress for the Green Party and is also a WorldSaver extraordinaire of Heart, Mind and Spirit. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carol_Brouillet  In a act of Divinely Endowed genius, she understood that money itself can be the vehicle of transformation, and invented and had made (by artist Blaine Machan)  Perception Dollars, which we have included on this Website with updating https://5050now.wordpress.com/gender-balanced-new-millenniall-currency-your-infinite-wealth/, approved of by Carol, to include information about the the New Millennial Golden Rule and its components, the Panchayat Raj Gender Parity and Minority Representation, the Genuine Progress Indicator and Circles,. Through her efforts, at least 7 million Perception Dollars have been distributed in the US, Canada and around the world. She also has educated people about how communities are printing their own for community currencies that increase sustainability and familycommunity resiliency, and maintains the extremely informative and epochal website, http://www.communitycurrency.org/

Christina Baldwin and Ann Linneachristinabaldwinannlinnea are two of the most important developers and perveyors of the Circle Process http://www.peerspirit.com/index.html, which can be used by familycommunities everywhere in the world to make peace, understanding and reconciliation, and is now, in part through their efforts, in fact worldwide. The Circle Process is the third essentiall pillar or wheel of our Our New Millenniall Golden Rule. In the Circle Process, EveryOne both Leads and Loves, and Listening is appreciated as one of the most important virtues people have for redeeming our world.

Dr. Sharon Mijares sharon7is both a healer and worldchangerworldsaver, and so very importantly, an empowerer of women and circles to heal our world. Her books http://www.rootofevilbook.com/, which she co authored with Sharon Aliaa Rafea, Rachel Falik, and Jenny Eda Schipper and http://www.inanna.ca/index.php/catalog/force-such-world-has-never-known-women-creating-change/ co authored with Aliaa Rafea and Nahid Angha are clear and visionary about what needs to happen now: women must come together to Protect the Planet, with full recognition of themselves and each other,  and help men to understand why this is necessary, or our Planet cannot survive and thrive. Sharon is truly a global citizen, with friends of every Heritage, and spends much of her time teaching in Costa Rica, which has been a leader for gender balance and peace and sustainable culture, and must be assisted by and joined by the whole world to stay on that Path.

There is a Circle of Women from India, who are bringing forth leadership on a New Spiritually & Nurturing Paradigm, & in that sense, allready living by the New Millenniall Golden Rule. The most widely known is Amritapurt Mata AmritanandaMaya, whose name by which she is most widely known, Amma, ammahuggingbabymeans Mother in Hindi, and has brought the most important gesture for focus into our world, the Hug, bringing Meditation, Prayer to the Thousand Names of the Goddess, Hugging, Social Activism Alltruism and Ecologicall Stewardship to Millions. http://www.amma.orghttp://www.amritapuri.org      Her Goddess-rich Heritage has also brought forth simultaneously two More Additionall Women of Goddess Meditation & Prayer, Amma Kumayari ammakhttp://karunamayi.org/ & Mother Meera http://www.mothermeera.com/, mothermeera and these women were cooccuring with and preceded  by  Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi   the recently passed but perhaps likely to return sooner than we thought possibleSr Mataju Nirmala Devi http://www.adishakti.org/shri_mataji.htmshri mataji nirmala devi All these women are already recognized by scores of millions as lncarnations of the Devi, the Mother Goddess. and yet, their methods of being in the world, Hugging (especially important in our over-technologied imballance) Everyone with Sincere Love, Meditating, and Responsible Social Action, including to assist women and children and Nature, to bring forth connection with the Divine, are open to everyone. We feel it is important to say, and they would agree, that the many women who work in the organizations they founded, are just as much Devi, and both and all these living Goddesses express humility in realizing that the Divine is the Iam Process in Everyone, and that empowering women to LovePower in every avenue of Life is critical to the realization of the Divine Potential of All. Namaste. These women of Spirituallity Rose while many other women in India have been Riszing in Politically and Educationally.  Women such as Prinka & Sonia Gandhi, Pradhipa Patil, Aruna Roy, Arundhati Roy, the Gulabi (Pink) Gang that protects women from abuse, and most importantly, the women of the Panchayat Raj (and the men wise enough to know there value in Codecisionmking, are the inheritors of Heritage passed from Kasturba Gandhi & her husband Mohandas,  & even earlier, the long sustained idyllic epoch of Vedic India which you can read about here at https://5050now.wordpress.com/will-people-be-chimps-or-bonobos-goddesses-and-gods-or-mastermonsters-and-slaves/  A Special Sermon as Wellecome to the most famous Amma While Visiting North America but in fact All these Profoundly Divine Amma SisterMothers of India, Past, Present & Future, is available here at :

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Jacqueline Left Hand Bull Jacqueline Left-Hand Bullhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacqueline_Left_Hand_Bull is a Native American who shares coleadership with other women, as much as men, in the gender balanced Council for the Bahai Community in North America. She has already stated she knows that the White Calf Buffalo Woman is already present, and we know there are many now, such as the 13 Grandmothers, Edna HawkElder, Winona LaDuke & Winnie of the White Earth Reservation, Rainy of the Luminous Garden & More, We agree, and understand there is not only One but More than One, becoming All White Calf Buffalo Women, whitecalfbuffalowoman reclaiming Indigenous Nativity of Sustainability, for All Who Are Native to Earth.


Lynne MysticHealer is a Force unto herself. Her mixed Heritage is both Native American and European. lynnmystichealerhttp://www.angelencounters.net/ A survivor of militarism that destroyed much of her family’s health and domestic abuse, she rose to speak Love and Light in terms that any person can understand. Whether you believe in angels or just think people can develop their angelic nature, Lynn MysticHealer has faith in the resilience of humanity when restored to Love. In her vision, she allready Lives in her Cities of Light with its armies of healers, peacemakers and pink and green gardeners , and inspires others to not give up on the human quest for this potential nor give up any themselves or anyone, no matter the odds. She has incorporated 5050 into her efforts https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/New_Earth_Jobs_Paradigm_with_NESARA_funding/, and we have incorporated her Cosmic Spirit of Love in ours

Reverend Her Holiness Alexandra Hehpsehboah saoshyant_h_h_alexandra_h_city_hallhttp://www.saoshyant.org/ has announced her Presence as the female World Saver of the Zoroastrian tradition. Her emphasis on realistic self understanding, forgiveness and enlightenment reveal a truly Divinely Given Presence to full ancient promise.



Abby Willowroot, abbywillowrootboth a spiritual leader and artist of Divinely Inspired abilities, is restoring the Goddess to likely hundreds of millions of women via her profoundly beautiful website http://www.spiralgoddess.com, which serves as an online altar and worship service, also leads the world in Prayers that are so necessary for everyone and our Planet Earth now. For what she has done, she is already a Goddess, leading other women to rediscover their ancient Heritage, reclaim in, and embody this Love and Nurturing and Courageous Power within.

Carol Christ, carol-p-christ-2002-colorwhose name has the name Christ in it paired with the name that emphasizes Care at the Highest Level, has likely brought many if not most women who know include the Goddess in their worship and awareness, than any other human being. A Professor who became a profound religious leader of the most important Revival and Resurrection that unites those of all traditions, whe wrote the most influential essay, “Why Women Need the Goddess” which has inspired millions over several generations  and has also enlightened millions of men now. http://www.goddessariadne.org/whywomenneedthegoddess.htm

Woman of Buddhist Learning Have Been Coming Forward to Reballance that TRadition and the Larger World, as well. Joanna Macy http://www.joannamacy.net/ is likely the Buddhist face of a Woman that most people know of in the West. joannamacy_tara4She has developed techniques to assist people save and steward their own lives and the Earth with the understanding that Everything in the Universe Is Connected,  integrating Buddhism with Ecofeminism. A good introduction to women of Buddhism is at.  Near the Hostess of this Website, in Maryland, are two other centers for Buddhism very near us. at http://www.tara.org, home of the first recognized Tibetan woman Buddhist priest in North America, Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo Tibetan BuddhistJetsunma Ahkon Lhamo , and literally one block from my home with its beautiful Buddhist Nun’s Residence and Temple, with a statue of Quan Yin greeting Everyone who Walks by  and visits the Tree of Enlightenment there in the backyard of the lovingly converted home into a community temple: http://www.vienantu.com/Vien An Tree Shrine





Raheel Raza raheelrazaoriginally of Pakistan and now living in Canada, is a trailblazer for women of the Islamic tradition, becoming an imam, or as we prefer to say, an imamma, in her large community, and leading this the most brave  Islamic women around the world. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raheel_Raza  Comiing before her with even more incredible courage is Amina Wadud, and there are others who dared to transcend patriarchy in this most overtly patriarchal of modern cultures. aminawadudAlong with Bothaina Kamel, Malala, and others, they have brought both spiritual and political light to their regions so needful of Feminine resurgence if they are to survive and thrive, and we dare not invisiblilize them or their regions will go up in smoke of civil war and patriarchy induced fratricide. Although these regions are Islamic, many of their educated people do remember that both their more recent Islamic faith, via El Shaddai, the One of Many Breasts, and their even more ancient Heritages also include the Feminine aspect of the Deity.

Bridget Meehan bridgetmeehanhas courageously lead the ordination of women in the most rigid and anachronistic of Western religions patriarchies, the Catholic Church, http://romancatholicwomenpriests.org/ordained.htm More than a hundred women are already practicing priests, recognized as such by an already large and growing multitude who understand that yet another day or year of all male worship guidance is actually an insult to Mary of Nazareth, Mary of Magdala, and Jesus himself, who clearly was not a sexist, despite the distortion of his intent by latter Catholic and Christian patriarchs, who suppressed the facts of early Christianity for too long. Today, Mormon women are engaged in a similar effort for ordination, http://www.ordainwomen.org/ KateKelly but the reallization that all Good Faith is in Common, via the New Millenniall Golden Rule, will assist the ballance of True Faith in  every religious community and reunite All People of Good Faith, regardless of their current flowering of the Garden that is Good Faith that is not imbedded in patriarchy and false hierarchy

Maitreya Miranda maitreyamirandahttp://mirandalindaweisz.authorsxpress.com/2012/04/25/maitreya-and-the-divine-bloodline/ has allready announced her abilty to guid eth Cosmic Christ, with Divine Wisdom that can be brought forth in all people. Simply waiting for people to find her on the Internet, and many do, she embodies a gentle, powerful and articulate Spiritual Presence combining the Christian and Buddhist traditions and thoughtful metaphysical genius. Wiszely, Maitreya Miranda, who is based in Glastonbury, regards herself as an Ascended Extension & Continuation of the Ancient Avalon http://www.ascendedavalon.com/ that, had the women of that time been given their equall seats at the Round Table of Camelot, all on Earth would have been in a state of Bounty and Bliss long ago.

Mary Ma McChrist marymamcchristhttp://www.mother-matrix.com/meet_mary-ma.html was also born with the name Christ in her name, which was officially McChristy. She has been channelling the Loving Spirit of both Mary Magdalene and Jesus, and guiding the Divine Spiritual empowerment of Everyday women and men who recognize the Divinity as the essentiall  rise needed for the Rise of men, as well. Her website is ministering to a great multitude, as both Jesus and Mary of Magdale did two Millennia ago

Rajchelle OneFamilyrom  is the primary webmistress of this website, and the Deliver of the New Millennial Golden Rule. https://5050now.wordpress.com/newmillenniallgoldenrule-the-5-pillars-of-change/ She has ReEvolved in the past years, especially upon learning  she has the geneallogical credentials, as a descendant of what is called the Davidic branch of the human family tree (she refers to it as Michalic-Davidic because Michal was David’s  wife) from which the Messiah was expected to come, a relation of the Da Vinci Code family understanding recent research has some basis in geneallogicall fact, and life mission to become what she calls, a First not Not Last or Only Messiah~CoMessiah https://5050now.wordpress.com/about, with a belief that all people have Divinity within and what is often called the Cosmic Sophia-Christ, essentially also rising to become CoChrists. She also traces her roots back earlier to ancient India, so she combines the Messiah with the Maitreya or Kalki expectation and family Heritage, as well.  She received a Doctorate in Psychology from Loyola University, after a educational period which always saw her around the top of the class in her schools and universities, but allways aware that those who lived with Love  and needed empowerment, were most important to her. She served as a family therapist and resource specialist to other family therapists as her primary focus, before she came to realize how much of family problems were caused the cultural imbeddedness in patriarchy instead of egalitarian and more matriafriendly culture. She ran for CoPresident with women and children’s advocate/environmentalist Hjalmer Wayne Erickson in the Millenniall Year on a ticket of gender balance. She believes the a male Christ and indeed soon CoChrists are present as well, but cannot Rise fully until a female and in fact several female CoMessiahs are embraced and welcomed, with their message that ending the paradigm of patriarchy and ReEvolving to partnership and peaceful participation, is the very definition of Salvation for the HumanFamilyCommunity on Earth.  Via her distillation of the New Millenniall Golden Rule to something simple and easily applicable, the Government of the World sits first upon Her and then quickly Your and Everyone’s Shoulders Lightly, in the right paradigm, of gender mutuall Love, Life and Light.

We Will be Adding More Names Soon. Perhaps Yours be among them, catalyzing a great wave of women recognizing one another as the true Great Shift into a New Milllenniall period, with men who are ready to recognize them as Coleaders, and Sisters of One Planetary FamilyCommunity.

YOUshiningheartpictureframe!! Put Your Picture in this Frame, and Help Put Others, All You Know and All Your World, in that Picture, too, by teaching and sharing the New Millenniall Golden Rule, and helping others understand that nothing else but that is Government and can bring about the Paradise on a Heavenly Earth. that All were Divinely Endowed to CoSustain and Enjoy

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