ReNewabelle Solar Soular Energyesz MaRa(Iam)Shall Plan, MaHatTenEllEven, Aurora~Apollo Project


ReNewabelle Solar&Soular Energyesz

Locall Globall Universzall Neighborhood

MaRa(Iam)Shall Plan~MaHatTenElleven

AuroRa~Apollo  Project

for the GoddessGodMaRaSophiaChristRiszenWithinUszAll&

on a Planet Saved


“The Sun’ll Come Out Tomorrow…It’s Only a Day Away”

~ “Little Orphan Annie (The Name Anne Means Grace)”

…if humanity would power 100% of its consumption only from solar energy, assuming 100% absorption of solar radiation, it would only require 88 minutes of solar radiation to cover for humanity’s total energy consumption for a year! (or 14 and a half seconds of solar radiation can power humanity for a whole day -source: Ramez Naam – Scientific American)



Do we have to wait for a bunch of willfully uninformed dinosauric grumpy old men of extreme avarice and denial since the 1970’s, & their either silenced or enabling wives, and kept deliberately in small numbers, willing to be coopted token female colleagues, who appear to be saying, “We Don’t Care About Our Children and Grandchildren; We Don’Care About Most of Humanity; We Don’t Even Care About Our Own Future that Much”,  make “laws” to “fund” energy? Or, can we quickly get the Great Ball Rolling and Let the Sun Shine In, smooth & easy as butter, fun~ding* ourselves with gracefull beneficence the way the Sun does everyday, without the wait, understanding we have entered a New Millennia of what must be Reall New Law, THE NEW MILLENNIALL GOLDEN RULE, / made by all people, female and male, everywhere on Earth,

The Statue of Liberty wears a Solar crown,statue-libertyand she is based on the ancient Goddess Reah or AstraReah (see Gallery Below), the ancient Greek, Mediterranean and Balkan Titan Goddess of the Universe, associated with Sun and Stars, who later became known as Justicia in Roman Times. She is often also shown with a scales, weighing judgment of human beings and humanity with fairness, purity of Heart balanced with wisdom and mercy, and she was understood as the Mother of all the Gods and Wife of Time  (before those civilizations destroyed themselves, as Cronos tried to eat his children in the ancient tale when not heeding Reah, by placing male God patriarchal figures hierarchically their female Goddesses and above this Universzall Mother of, for and within All Goddess archetype.

If there is one sure way to stop and reverse global warming, avoid Hurricane Katrinas and Sandys, Fukushimas & Chernobyls, prevent Earthquakes and Live Happily Ever After, it is in the Quick Transition to Solar Energy in Every Neighborhood, City and Farm on Earth so we simply do not need all that drilling & frakking waste and worry making.

This is not a pipe dream. Solar has allready happened at about 100% participation occurred among neighborhoods and large whole/Whollyear Cities on this Planet. Germany is allready 50% Solar, while the US is only around .29%. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE??????????Very Simply, a Controlled Media (if you are silly enough to be still watching and reading Corporate News)

So much of everone’s bills are going to pay for fossil and dangerous forms of energy, in heating and air conditionaing costs which contribute to housing costs, transportation costs, fertilizer and crop costs, and pollute precious water and air, that, very simply, if we switch to Soular and Solar, caring about and equally empowering everyone, instead of just an ignorant and outmoded-in-their paradigm few, that we all will be infinitely weallthy.  In fact, even these Bad ‘Ol 1%ers will do better, and live longer, than they do now, in the Empire of Dirty Energy that is their worshipped cash cow, or, rather Bull (shi_)!.


It’s time to clean the stables of dirty dark  energyes and bring forth Purity and Light that is everyone’e Inalienable Right. And Again, it will be easier than you thought and fun, too! Thousands of Communityes Worldwide are called Transition Towns,transitiontowns & just about all of them are striving to go Solar.

The Key to this Speedy Transition is the recognition that All People, Female and Male, are not neither slaves or masters, but Kind Kin, Peers & Seers, that can work together, as others have allready done. We hear so much about going green, but in fact Nature produces, by photosynthesis, that is, the complex interaction of Light with water and other ellements,  the pinks and golds of every Sunrise & Sunset, and the rainbow colors of rainbows, flowers, birds, incredible pallettes of colors of growth and beauty, including all the rainbow hues of the human family and even the gentle light blue of the sky as we perceive it.

To regain our ability to appreciate and sustainably steward this incredible Light-Created Garden Everywhere, We are combining the Consciousness & Community Currency Innovations around the world with the Solar Light Switch, the Great Paradigm Shift from centralized hierarchical power to Shared Power, as We All, of course, Share the Light of the Sun and All the Stars, that can put these Dark and Dirty Days Behind Us, for a Divinely Endowed Delightful New Day Everyday. Just have the Love and Wisdom to include Consciousness Currency as a  Complementary “Gift”, for and as both Provider/Installer/Builder and Recipient(s). at Home, School, Office & Neighborhood, with Your Solar Installation (as well as any transaction you have using money, or giving of gifts. Many Community Currencyes allready are named for (i.e. Solar Dollars (Fenix Project Nicaragua), Sols (many cities in France), Belgian Economist who has called for the return of the Goddess and respect for women to eco nomics, Bernard Lietaer’s TeRRa, etc) or display the Sun & Stars, Moons and the Earth as well as women and men, and children, who have or are Lighting Humanityesz’ Way.

Via what physicists call “Spooky Action at a Distance”, that ReEvolutionary Living Sustainable Peacemaking Money Changing Transaction will Light Up Your Locall & Globall World with Love & Caring Warmth in the Heart in a Sustainable Ecology, instead of the Ice and Cold of Wars, whether against Human Beings or Nature, caused by Global Warming or Nuclear Plutonium Wastages & Winter .

This Plan Will Co-Occur with Your CoSavioRa~ing via the New Millenniall Golden Rule / and Understanding How to BeKnowHow to Save Our World before we allow the habits of Primative Patriarchy Destroy this Planet Earth. THE CHOICE IS YOURS NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOWsunpowerfactscost-of-going-green-infographic-2Szoullar Szoullar Genuine-Progressz-Indicatorszwe dont need money anymore

Below is an Archetypal Gallery of a few the myriad Sun Goddesses & God & Nature’s incarnations of the regions &  of our World, that would agree NOW, is the time for this Most Necessary Transition: Would You Like Your & Your Family&Communityesz’ Name to Be Annointed Among Them? We have put their and many more very reall women and men of Enlightenment’s pictures on the Consciousness Currencyes and, but feel free to be creative and make designs and people of your own. Remember, they are most important for you and your own communityfamily and neighbors, and it is the Consciousness and the New Millenniall Golden Rule / which they convey and their prevalance, not their centralization or nationalization, that is their most powerful value, just as Maya & Buddha, Radha * Krishna, and both Marys and Jesus, and others even earlier. Present & Yet to Come, knew their was great power in even just One, Two, A Few & Every  Flower, One, Two, A Few & Every Seed which become Multitudes. EveryOne who shares and supports the New Millenniall Golden Rule, which includes processes to facilitate everyone to the Geniuine Progress to GO SOLAR, becomes a CoSavioRa.

This is the money that will end the need for money, and we will all be living on a ReEvolved Planet, like those of the Star Trek and Star Gate and other Utopian society visions for a future of Abundance in Living Loving Peace, that is overdue right NOW.

Solar Soular & Renewable Power is the Divinely Created and Creative Key to Planetary Freedom, Happiness and Peace. Turn Off the TV & Buy Nothing New that isn’t SOLAR & SOULAR or essentiall, until all the advertisers insure every media & public figure broadcasts the Need for this simple, humble, Infinitely Powerfull Mar(Iam) Shall Plan Everyday. SWITCH ON the Solar Light PanEllEs, Everywhere hosted and installed by  You & You & You & You& You as Elloha & Ellohim, for Women, such as Anya Schoolman, the Barefoot College founded by Aruna and Bunker Roy and a center of education for millions of women as well as men,  Grupo Fenix, Laura Stachel, Katherine Lucey, Raina Russo, Erica Mackie, Mira Luna, Louise and Katherine who inspirred and named the Transition Town movement, Jeanine Cooper and Cara, and many more are especially essentiall and important in the Solar ReEvolution as  women are and have been on All Environmental and Earth Issues, along with more visionary ballanced men with real Love for all their sisters, children and  the Mother Earth such as Yosef Abramovitz whose wife Susan Silverman is equally a true Globall President, and Danny Kennedy. Richard Komp and many more, and there are many women’s teams, genius and very egalitarian men, and couples working in this important effort. We are adding their pictures to the Consciousness Currency Gallery at The human Soular Power factor is just as and even more important as the technology, and is especially empowered by the NEW MILLENNIALL GOLDEN RULE.  Include the Rule of Light and Solar and its sunlit airy companion, neighborhood Wind power, in Your Activityes TODAY & EVERYDAY until the transition is complete, & Let Other Neighborhoods Locall & Globall, where you live, work or visit Around the Planet know. It’s Just that Simple. For Some Solar Resources to Start with, visit

Archetypal Gallery of a few the myriad Sun Goddesses & God

     Nature Incarnations of Light In Every Form and Color



Raja RajeswariAsheRahAstarteIsisRaetBastHathorSun_goddess-AfricanGoddessLight_StreamRheaMotherGoddessSlavic-Goddess-Vesna-QuanYin~AvalokitasvaraAuroRasun_goddess_by_lady_kl-d africanwhitecalfbuffalowomanmaryam&jesuschristsastrareairislibra

View these Sun Goddess archetypes and some of the Divinely human actual Solar leadership of this  necessary Transition that  we have honored with Consciousness Currency  (more are added frequently), but again, make sure to make your own ProSolar Currencyesz that show your own Gamily & Community, too, collaborating within the framework of the NEW MILLENNIALL GOLDEN RULE /





This Page is Under Construction. LInks For Solar Soular Leaders and Providers to Start Are Here


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